Course Content 1.Introduction to Stock Market 2.What is IPO ? and how does it works in Indian Market and what drives the stock price? 3.What is Equity market, What is Long and short position ? 4.What is Dividend and Bonus ?| Taxation on trading and investing in the Indian market 5. What in Index, Rights Issue and Buy Back 6.How to Place Live MIS/CNC/BO/CO orders with your broker 7.What is Future trading in Indian Markets ? 8.Futures Market Explained 9.Introduction to Options Basics 10.What is Strike price in Option (ITM,ATM OTM) 11.Valuation of Options 12.Time decay in Options 13.What is Option Writing and Options v/s Writing 14.Option Greeks Explained in Detail with their graphs 15. What is OI, PCR and VIX and how they help us gauge market trends. 16.Introduction to commodity market 17.Types of traders 18.Types of investment 19.Introduction to Technical Analysis 20.What is Support, Resistance and trendlines ? - How to draw them on charts 21. What is Double top and bottom ? What is triple top and bottom and how volume impacts ? 22.Higher high and higher low, swing high and low and how to take trade using the setup 23.Head and Shoulder pattern and How to trade in Indian market 24.What are Candlesticks and how to take trades? 25.candle pattern and how to identify trend reversal using candlesticks? 26. candlestick pattern 27. introduction to indicators 28. intraday strategy, swing trading strategy 29.Introduction to algotrading